Additional Ways to Give
Appreciated Securities & Mutual Funds
Please consider appreciated securities and mutual funds that have been held more than one year as a way to support our beloved St. Nicholas Church.
When you donate appreciated securities or mutual funds you have held more than one year to us in support of our missions, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer.
If you have questions or would like to donate appreciated securities or mutual funds, please contact the church office.
We also recommend that you consult your Financial/Tax Advisors for additional information.
Beneficiary Designations
Most bank accounts, brokerage accounts, investment accounts, and life insurance policies allow for the designation of a beneficiary. Typically, the beneficiary does not have access to the funds until after the owner’s lifetime. As such, parishioners can use the funds in any of their accounts during their lifetime, while naming St. Nicholas as a beneficiary upon their death. This method of giving simplifies the estate planning process and the administrative work required by the executor of your estate, as the designated funds in your account(s) will automatically transfer to St. Nicholas upon your death.
Contact your financial and/or tax advisor or Dan Tarlas for more information
Donor Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is an account created for the purpose of managing charitable donations. These have become more popular recently as a simpler, easier and less expensive alternative to establishing a family foundation.
Contact your financial and/or tax advisor or Dan Tarlas for more information
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 total to one or more charities directly from a taxable IRA instead of taking their required minimum distributions.
If you have questions or would like to donate QCDs, please contact the church office.
We also recommend that you consult your Financial/Tax Advisors for additional information.
Stock Gifts
St. Nicholas accepts gifts of stocks, bonds, or other appreciated securities. This is a great way to make a gift without having to write a check and avoiding the capital gains taxes that might otherwise be incurred through the sale of those securities.
Contact your financial and/or tax advisor or Dan Tarlas for more information
Your IRA
You can direct withdrawals from your IRA to St. Nicholas, which would not be considered income and you would receive a tax deduction. While anyone can begin taking IRA withdrawals at age 59 ½ with no penalty, many wait until age 72 when a minimum annual withdrawal is required (Required Minimum Distribution or RMD) – and direct a part or all of that RMD to the church.
Contact your financial and/or tax advisor or Dan Tarlas for more information
Wills & Living Trusts
A simple and flexible way to help St. Nicholas is to make a gift within your will or living trust, which is known as a charitable bequest. You can specify a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to be given to St. Nicholas. To do so requires a conversation with your attorney to ensure that the proper language appears in your will or trust. You will also want to make sure to let St. Nicholas know if you have included the church in your estate planning.
Contact your financial and/or tax advisor or Dan Tarlas for more information
Do not rely solely on this information for investment, tax, or charitable giving advice. For more insight on any of the methods of giving and to obtain specific advice on which might be most appropriate for you and your family, please consult with your financial and/or tax advisor. If you do not have an advisor, call the church office, Dan Tarlas - St. Nicholas Investment Committee Chair, or the contact listed with each item, so that we can connect you with the proper resources.